Welcome To Teroyon's Blog.

This is my personal blog on the all current projects that i intend to do and that i am working on but before let's us know a bit more about myself.

About me

So I am... well nothing more than a perverted guy who is learning Computer Science. What I like is the understanding of how things works and teams. I like working in groups so naturally i try to get as social as i can get with any kind of person.I discovered neo-cities quite recently(28/07/2017) and i intend to make use of the whole free package until i completely finished it.

What is going on here ?

So what I am looking for was a free blog. ok I got it but now what i am looking for is a team for any kind of project that can be done. Be it school projects or personal ones.So if you feel lonely,got some basics programming skills and want to do something to improve and have fun, i am more than welcome to have you :)

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